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Social Action! Where to start.

Guest Blogger

Welcome to "10001 Ways to Save the Environment" I hope you find a few new ideas to add to your daily routine. It is true that millions of people making a few small changes will make a huge difference. However, the retired history teacher in me believes that real change will occur only when we make democracy work.

For that to happen we need informed, educated citizens willing to perform the duties that the role requires. It all begins with understanding how our government works and how you as an individual can influence the daily decisions of your elected officials. It's a big job.

Each day local, state and federal governments make decisions that affect our environment. They have a direct impact on everything from garbage pick up to land usage. Some are appointed and some elected. All are important. Know who they are and, if not elected, who they work for. Find out what their stands are on the environment. Learn how decisions are made and who the stakeholders are.

Once you know the lay of the land take action. Here are some examples:

* Attend meetings and ask questions

* Find out which agencies are responsible which environmental responsibilities

* Demand that each tax payer supported agency have a sustainability statement.

* Vote only for politicians who have a clear and strong environmental position.

* Demand that schools have a strong environmental curriculum.

* Start a letter writing campaign in you neighborhood.

Find a friend who will work with you. It is easier and more rewarding if you act in concert with others. This website is full of ideas to latch on to. Start now.

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