My friends and co-conspirators on this website, Loretta and Harry Strharsky asked me whether I was going to have a Valentine’s Day column. I had completely forgotten about Valentine’s Day. This is, of course, not the first time that has happened.
Certainly I have many sweeties in my life beginning with my soul mate of 48 years, Judy. Then there are my two daughters, Kim and Becky, and three granddaughters, Ana, Mabel and Ava. Finally, my mother who has been gone for many years but not from my memory nor from my heart.
This year, however, I would like to include one other sweetheart on my list. She has nurtured me all my years and I have hardly tipped my hat in her direction. She has provided me everything I’ve needed and asked nothing in return. Nor has she complained much, until recently, and who can blame her. After all, I have abused her for 73 years. She has every right to complain.
I always thought she would outlive me and my children and my grandchildren but now I’m not so sure. My grandchildren may have to tend to her funeral and their own as well. They say it’s never too late to say “I’m sorry”. I’m sorry.
Somehow, chocolate and flowers don’t seem to be the proper gifts. She owns the chocolate beans and has a sea of flowers. So after some thought I have decided to gift her the following this year and the years to come.
I promise to celebrate her birthday (Earth Day-April 22nd) with more vigor along with the millions from around the world who understand her role in their lives.
I promise to lighten my step upon her soil by tending more closely to my carbon footprint.
Finally, I promise to listen more intently to her complaints and to those who speak on her behalf.
Happy Valentine’s Day Mother Nature! May you have many more.